Kesign Design Consulting
Traditional and Computer Aided Design and Graphics
Los Angeles, California, USA, Terra, Solar System Sol, Milky Way Galaxy, Local Group, Virgo Super Cluster, Local Universe

Pre-Visualization & Walk-Through & Fly-Over Animation

Pre-Visualization for Art Direction/Set Design, Theme Park, Architectural, and Interior Design. Walk-through and fly-over animation for Art Direction/Set Design, Architectural and Interior Design Pre-visualization.

Pre-visualization can be used in any set, regardless whether the film uses Visual Effects or not. Visual effects can help you to determine sight lines and proportions. When animation is added, pre-visualization can help plan action shots.

Using AutoCAD as a Tool in Computer Modeling and Pre-Vis.

Note: These drawings are presented here for portfolio purposes only. These drawings are not available for sale or to be given away in hard copy or digitally in any scale. I will be happy to show hard-copy during a legitimate job interview for Set Designer.

Western Street Western Street
You don't need a big budget Visual Effects laden film to justify using pre-vis. Pre-visualization can aid in any film. This set containing two western streets was mass modeled in AutoCAD © 2004 in about four hours. 2004.
Western Street

Trade show display, Motorcycle Helmet Manufacturer. 2004.
Exterior Interior
Trade Show Dispaly, Hair Product Company. Rendering of display. AutoCAD ©, 2003.
Buck Rogers - Annsiud Mining Probe
Computer model reproduction of physical model built in 1980 for Buck Rogers in the 25th Century.
Waiting Room
Click the image to download a Pre-Visualization animation for the waiting room in Heaven set for Gabrielle. Modeled in AutoCAD, animated in 3D Studio Viz.
Click the image to download a Pre-Visualization animation for the Tunnel to birth set for Gabrielle. Modeled in AutoCAD, animated in 3D Studio Viz.
Life's Office
Final office deisgn, pre-visualized in AutoCAD.
Life's Office
Final office set.
Duloc Street for Shrek
Duloc Street for Shrek. Modeled in AutoCAD.
Space Station
Space Station. Modeled and rendered in AutoCAD.
Temple set - test for Ramayan. Modeled and rendered in autoCAD.
Test for Outbreak, Boss Film.
Modeled and rendered in AutoCAD.
Ship animation

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